Tracking Payouts
In Voluum, there are two different ways you can track
- Auto: This offers you an effective and accurate method of tracking using a dynamic payout
token or a fixed value in yourS2S postback URL or conversion tracking pixel. You can set the automatic payout tracking option when creating or editing anoffer . - Manual: This provides you with an alternative solution if dynamic payout tokens are not supported by an affiliate network platform. You can record a payout by using a fixed payout value in the offer settings.
Set up Tracking Payout in Voluum
An option to enable payout tracking is available in an offer's setup. To get there, perform the following steps:
Voluum Info: With the automatic option you will have to additionally set up a postback URL in a way to pass affiliate network's payout token. This is described in the last section of this article.
- In Voluum, go to the Offers tab. The Offers view will appear.
- Create a new offer or edit an existing one.
Jump to the appropriate section to learn more about setting up tracking cost in Voluum.
Setup: Select the Auto radio button.
- Trigger: Conversion.
- Value: Value will be read from an affiliate network payout token.
Additional settings: To correctly record payouts, you have to include affiliate network's payout token in a postback URL.
Below you can find some examples of Voluum
postback URLs modified with affiliate network's tokens:HasOffers postback URL example:{aff_sub}&payout={payout}
CAKE postback URL example:
The example of the postback URL with a fixed static payout value:{subid}&payout=5
Setup: Select the Manual radio button.
- Trigger: Conversion.
Value: Provide a payout value in USD.
Voluum Note: Values that are manually set will override any values relayed within a postback URL or pixel for the related offer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions about tracking payout? You might find the answer below:
I track offers' payout in Voluum, but I also need to track conversion cost and send it back to my traffic source. How can I do that?
You can set the conversion cost in Voluum and then, passed on this information to the traffic source using the CPA or RevShare cost model option. To learn more about the setup, go to the Tracking Costs article.
My affiliate network has no token for the payout. Does it mean that I can’t track how much I earn for each conversion?
If your affiliate network doesn't have a token dedicated for passing payout, you can still track payout manually by providing a payout value in the offer setup or hardcoding payout value in a postback URL or a conversion tracking script.
How to modify registered payout in Voluum?
You can correct payout by uploading a conversion using the Conversion Upload feature in Settings and providing either a positive or negative payout value.