Exporting/Importing Offers
Import New Offers
If you need to import many offers to Voluum, the fastest way of doing this is uploading them in bulk. The idea is very simple: you prepare a CSV file with your offers according to the provided Voluum's pattern and upload it to the Voluum platform. Nothing more. Below you can find a link to a step-by-step guide presenting how to import new offers and how the CSV file should look like.
Import Edited Offers
Have you already added offers to Voluum, but you want to update them as fast as possible to adjust them to your business needs? To do it conveniently, sign in to Voluum, go to the Offers view and find the Bulk actions button. The bulk import feature for the existing offers allows you to extract all or selected offers at once, modify all the properties, and next upload them in sets of 250 offers per file. Take a look at the instruction below and find out how to boost your updates productively.
CSV templates
Find out what is a structure of a CSV file and what information it contains.
A CSV Template with New Offers
A CSV Template with Edited Offers